lunes, 3 de junio de 2013


I've been struggling lately of who I am as an aspiring photographer. At times I want to work on conceptual photography and other times I just want to focus on what's real. I think these difficulties come from trying to find my own style and producing original things, but, what is original these days? I previously talked about smoke bombs but there are also other elements considered, again, original but they are really not. I'm really not going to make up a huge list and bash every element in it, but what I want to say is that in concepts like "surreal", "fashion", and "conceptual", many of us believe we're going to find what we're looking for. 

A very dear professor once told me and the class that nothing is original anymore and he's right. Everything is made up different things, nothing is unique in it's entirety, but I think we can be considered original and stand out among the croud by taking all these repeated elements and make them our own. With this I don't know if I'm trying to justify my constant blocks, my lack of activity, and selfconsciousness but that's what I have. I've felt immense in real topics, real events, and documentary photography, but I still need to find my muse. 

Coming up with enough courage to leave behind the feelings that stop me from doing what I love is really hard. I guess I'm very hard on other people which automatically makes me insecure. It's true that anything negative you put out there comes back at you with much more power and it is now when I understand it. I'm such a negative person and getting rid of all the negativity in my is going to be hard work; I really don't know where to start. 

But oh well. I'll leave you (to whoever reads this) some photos I took last month. I really enjoyed being there even though I wasn't familiar with the musician's work. His name is Celso Piña and he's very talented. He came to our city to tribute a very dear musician from our community who passed away some years ago. My boyfriend and I went to the event just to get out of routine. I'm so glad we did it and I'm so glad that even though I was afraid of being in such a crowded place with a camera I took it with me anyways.

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