sábado, 22 de junio de 2013


Yesterday was kind of a rollercoaster kind of day. I've been trying to push myself into shooting more personal projects without worrying too much about getting paid. I asked a young girl to help me out by modeling for me, we barely know each other and I was super nervous about it. I had something in mind but at the end I ended up getting super nervous. It didn't turn out as I expected but I ended up liking some photos anyways, and I'm happy I forced myself because any type of photoshoot is a new learning experience, no matter how short it is and no matter if the amount of photos you get is big or small.

I was very close to cancel it because just some minutes before leaving home I got an e-mail from the University's Newspaper to which I applied to work at as a photographer or cartoonist and it said to call to the office. Of course I was super nervous, I wanted to throw up. I called and what happened was that I got the two jobs I applied for, now I'm the University's Newspaper photographer and cartoonist. It's a big responsibility! I was so happy and scared at the same time, I started to feel extremely anxious considering that I was already anxious about the photoshoot.Still, I decided to get it over with and I guess nerves took over me to some point that I couldn't focus properly. Anyways, I'm happy about how things are developing and hopefully everything will be better soon.

The beginning of this year was rocky but good overall because I had a job last semester but it didn't turn out to be as good as I thought it was going to be, the good thing was that I had a good paid and I was able to save for my new camera. Prices ended up getting low at the University so I was able to keep some of my money for personal expenses. In short, I'll be able to upgrade my photography gear this year and that makes me very happy. Last year I didn't think I was going to be able to do so, I didn't even think I was going to be able to buy a full frame camera, but apparently things work out if you get over some demons. 

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